
How To Clean My Computer Registry Windows 7

Know about how to delete unwanted registry files in windows 7. The Windows registry keeps your every installed program data on your figurer. If your estimator has any corrupted file and then your computer will run slowly and this specific program does not work properly. So you need to delete registry keys from your computer.

When you lot uninstall software from the control panel and so this uninstalled software removes from the command console merely not from your computer. Registry editor all the same stores your uninstalled software in it. If you want to permanently remove it from your computer then you need to edit the registry settings.

In this lesson, you tin hands know how to edit the registry fundamental and how to delete registry files in Windows 7.

Remember that backup your registry cardinal before edit or delete it. If y'all have deleted the incorrect files then it helps to become back your previous potions.

Delete Unwanted Registry Files in Windows 7

1. Click the Windows 7 start button and type the " regedit " into the search bar.

  • Regedit exe file will appear elevation of your start bar. Correct-click up to the regedit and select the " Run every bit administrator " to open the registry editor on your computer. Open Registry Window in Wndows 7

2. If you see " User account control " bulletin then printing the Yes button.

3. Click upwards to the pointer icon on " HKEY_CURRENT_USER " from the registry editor window to expend it.

  • Cull the Software with pointer icon to expand it. Then yous will see your all installed software listing. How to Delete Unwanted Registry Files in Windows 7

Now you lot can delete any files from here. At starting time, you demand to select the specific file which is you want to delete in Windows 7 registry.

Example: I want to delete Skype. Then, at first, I will discover the skype named folder from here. After finding the binder right click on it which you are want to remove from the registry and printing the Delete button.

4. Right-click up to the skype folder and cull the Delete option to delete registry files in Windows 7 . Delete Registry Files in Windows 7

After that, you lot will not run across the Skype registry files in Windows 7 registry list.

If you desire to delete another registry and then follow the same process.

How to Clean Registry in Windows 7 Using cmd

The Registry is the biggest function of Windows. Yous tin can apply the "Registry Editor" to change your Windows database when you need to fix an issue. Know about how to clean registry in Windows 7 using cmd.

1. Click your start button, type the search box cmd and select the cmd with the black color image to open the command prompt window. Open cmd on Windows 7

2. Type the reg /? in front of your Windows name on command prompt window and hit the Enter button to run the tool. Open Registry Window in Windows 7 Using cmd

iii. All registry options will open up. At present yous can edit your registry using the following command.

  • Use the REG DELETE KeyName to clean registry in Windows seven using cmd.

Using this style you can add, edit or delete registry in Windows 7 using cmd.


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